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3 Answers

Haven’t flown in almost 3 years

Asked by: 3544 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot

So I have a question, well questions. My last flight was in October of 2013 which was my Instrument Rating checkride. I am now looking to finish up my training with starting commercial training under part61. 1. What would I need to do to accomplish this in terms of flying (ie checkouts etc.)? 2. Would it be a issue if my school didn't endorse my logbook (They have since shut down and I don't live in the states) 3. Would I have to do over my instrument rating checkride seeing that was the last flight I did? I have 192 hours inclusive of sim time and SE Private Pilot License. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



A Fitzgerald.

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3 Answers

  1. Nascr1Arrival on Apr 20, 2016

    Did you pass your instrument check ride? If not your endorsement and written test are expired and you’ll have to redo both. After 2.5 years you’ll pretty much be starting over. Are you doing your training in the u.s? Are you living in Canada or are we talking overseas? As a side note, u.s. pilot certificates do not expire. I just felt I had to clarify that because in some countries they do expire.

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  2. Fitzgerald on Apr 20, 2016

    Thanks for your response. Yes I did pass the checkride but due to financial constraints I had to pause right there. I would be doing my training in the US although I live overseas but travel regularly. I understand as well that certifications don’t expire in the US as well. So if i am understanding you clearly, you’re saying that I would have had to do over my entire instrument rating aspect of my training?

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  3. Nascr1Arrival on Apr 20, 2016

    I’m sorry I should have been more clear. I should have said you’ll need to be prepared to re-learn a bunch only because you haven’t flown in a while. If you hadn’t passed your ifr checkride, you would have had to go up with a cfii and become proficient enough for him to sign you off for the checkride. So it wouldn’t have been the whole training but probably a good portion. Anyway, I think that answers your second and third questions as you already have the ifr rating.

    Now for the first question. Make sure your medical isn’t expired. You only need a third class to do your commercial training. Then you’ll need to do a biennial flight review before you solo. You should be able to do that with whomever you’re doing the commercial training with. You’ll also have to take the commercial written test before you take the checkride. Unless I forgot something, that should be it.

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