Adiabatic Lapse Rate
Asked by: crhodes9898 4144 views General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot, Weather
I'm having trouble with the adiabatic lapse rate and finding cloud bases. I understand the equation in the Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. In that book it uses an example using the dry rate (3 degrees Celsius) per 1000 feet to find the bases.
The Equation is:
Temperature - dew point = Temperature dew point spread (TDS)
TDS / Cconvergence rate = X
X * 1,000ft = height of cloud base AGL
My main questions are, can you find any cloud base whether its scattered, broken, or overcast? Do you only use the dry lapse rate in this equation, or do you use the standard and moist rates also? If so, when do you use them? Lastly, in the handbook it says that dew point is 1 degree Fahrenheit per 1000ft. What would that be in Celsius?
Thank you,
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