Why doesn’t this airport show up on my Garmin G430?
Asked by: TheAviator10 3512 views Aircraft Systems, Airspace, General Aviation
There's an airport in the PHX area, Gila Bend Aux (KGXF) that is very near a commonly used airport. KGXF shows up on the sectional as having a class D airspace which has a 4nm radius up to 3900 ft. The airport we use nearby is 4.9nm to the north, so we always try our best to stay away from the edge of their "Delta" if possible (they refuse to say our tail number so we must stay outside). While looking at the Garmin 430 in the plane the other day, I noticed theres no depiction of their airspace on the screen. It shows up as an airport in the database, but no little dashed green circle. Any thoughts as to why? I've tried the declutter feature to see if that's why but no luck. Thanks!
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