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Compulsory reporting points in radar coverage

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FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating

I'm getting a bit of a contradiction on the topic of whether or not to report a compulsory reporting point (solid triangle fix) while under radar coverage in IFR.  AIM 5-3-2 b says:

"CFRs require pilots to maintain a listening watch on the appropriate frequency and, unless operating under the provisions of subparagraph c, to furnish position reports passing certain reporting points. Reporting points are indicated by symbols on en route charts. The designated compulsory reporting point symbol is a solid triangle..."

and 5-3-2 c 1 says:

"A position report is required by all flights regardless of altitude, including those operating in accordance with an ATC clearance specifying “VFR−on−top,” over each designated compulsory reporting point along the route being flown."

Neither of these specify in non-radar only, and I can't find any CFRs relating to it.


However, 5-3-2 c 3 says:

"When informed by ATC that their aircraft are in “Radar Contact,” pilots should discontinue position reports over designated reporting points."

and the Instrument Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-15) begins the part about position reports with:

"Unless in radar contact with ATC, you are required to furnish a position report over certain reporting points."

It similarly indicates these reports are in non-radar only in the Instrument Procedures Handbook (FAA-H-8261-1A).


So my question is, are compulsory reporting points something that must be reported always, even while in radar coverage, or does reporting of those points get suspended while in radar (except when specifically requested by ATC) and they are only to be always reported while in non-radar portions of the flight?

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1 Answers

  1. CFIsince1990 on Jul 19, 2016

    14 CFR 91.183 IFR communications.

    Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, the pilot in command of each aircraft operated under IFR in controlled airspace must ensure that a continuous watch is maintained on the appropriate frequency and must report the following as soon as possible-
    (a) The time and altitude of passing each designated reporting point, or the reporting points specified by ATC, except that while the aircraft is under radar control, only the passing of those reporting points specifically requested by ATC need be reported;
    (b) ………
    (c) ………

    Also, in the AIM and in the AIM Pilot/Controller Glossary, compulsory reporting points and \”designated\” reporting points are the same thing, as you state above in the AIM reference, and are used interchangeably or even together in the same phrase.

    I\’m thinking CFR 91.183 (a) is what you are looking for.

    If not, I will keep looking!

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