Advice on Flight Instruction
Asked by: chrisbuck243 2758 views Commercial Pilot, Instrument Rating, Student Pilot
Hi all, I just found the site a few days ago and have spent way too much time over the past days looking through here at tons of great information. I have seen a few things here and there that I think have already been helpful but I wanted to put my specific situation out there and see if anybody has any advice about my training.
A little background: I am currently ASEL private pilot certified with 45 hours but looking to move into a career in aviation. I don't really want to fly airlines so not looking to go ATP or anything, I'm more interested in flying small planes, float planes, doing training, charter flights, and whatever else flying work I can find.
Also, I am currently living in Europe and working as a teacher. This means that I am not able to fly all year round. I am hoping to go back to the US this summer for a lot of flying and then the next summer hopefully be ready to start instructing but I am trying to figure out the best path to get there.
I want to get my IFR, CPL in ASEL, AMEL, ASES, AMES, and both CFI and CFII certifications. The order is not necessarily important to me I just want to figure out the "best" way to go about doing this and I would like to do this in a cost efficient way but also in a way that I can get quality flight experience and preferably some experience working with the planes so I can eventually get my A&P license.
I would theoretically like to do as much of this as possible this summer so that next year I can finish up and then hopefully find a place to start instructing. Any advice on order, methods, or anything in general will be happily received.
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