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4 Answers

Aviation terminology

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General Aviation

What terminology of actual flight hours and simulated flight hours?


4 Answers

  1. BJ Miller on Feb 23, 2016

    I’m not sure what you are asking, but if you are interested in the difference between actual and simulated flight hours, that is pretty straight forward. Actual flight hours are those logged in an actual aircraft and simulated are those logged in an FAA APPROVED and CERTIFIED simulator. Whomever you buy sim time from will be able to tell you what you can log in their sim IAW their certification. Part 61.64 discusses this in detail. Part 61.51 discusses logging various types of flight time (actual and simulated).

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  2. NAVY 267 on Feb 23, 2016

    I’m mean can you described about actual flight hour and simulated flight hour,please…

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  3. BJ Miller on Feb 23, 2016

    I pretty much just did. Are you asking about instrument time?

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  4. Mark Kolber on Feb 25, 2016

    What BJ is telling you, Navy, is “simulated” applies to a few completely different things in aviation jargon.

    In instrument training, there is a difference between “simulated” instrument conditions and “actual” instrument conditions.

    In terms of training hours, there is a difference between training in a “simulator” or other device and training in an aircraft.

    We don;t know which situation you are referring to.

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