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3 Answers

Instrument approaches

Asked by: 4977 views Instrument Rating

Under Part 91, may I commence an instrument approach even though the current weather is below the published minima?

3 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Feb 16, 2016

    Yes. Can you find somewhere in Part 91 that says you can’t? You will find language that says that in Parts 135 and 121.

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  2. jsanderson10 on Feb 16, 2016

    Keep in mind 91.175(c) specifies that, for non-military aircraft, you may not descend below a DA/DH or MDA unless a specific set of criteria are met. So when flying part 91 you may attempt an approach even though the WX is reported below the minimums, but you cannot descend below minimums unless 91.175(c)1-3 are met.

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  3. Matt Quillen on Feb 22, 2016

    Absolutely, yes.

    Pilots operating under IFR and Part 91 can execute an instrument approach procedure no matter what values are reported for the ceiling and/or visibility.

    However, to operate BELOW the published MDA or DA (which is necessary to ultimately land), ALL of the criteria in 91.175 must be met. Summarized below:

    (1) Aircraft is continuously in a position to land using a normal rate of descent and normal maneuvers.
    (2) The flight visibility (as determined by the pilot) is not less than what is prescribed on the approach chart.
    (3) At least one of the qualifying visual runway references is in site.

    Additionally, for nonprecision straight-in approaches, the pilot should also not descend below the MDA prior to reaching the Visual Descent Point (VDP).

    Btw, the numbers in parentheses in the Landing Minima section of instrument approach procedures are the weather minimums for military pilots. They actually cannot commence a particular instrument approach unless the reported weather is at least at/above those minimums. However, as stated above, civil pilots under Part 91 can.

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