Approaching to land at a Class D airport within Class C airspace
Asked by: Peter 5747 views Airspace, Private Pilot
Imagine that I am flying VFR to KRAL (Riverside, California) and am flying in from the west. My chosen route of flight would require me to transit and *possibly* descend through the Class C airspace of KONT (Ontario, California) to land at KRAL. It seems like there is no clean way to avoid the Class C since flying over the top of the airspace would put me too high when arriving at KRAL, and going all the way around the Class C seems like a waste of time and fuel. So, what is the best practice here? How would you plan the flight to be the most efficient, but still be safe and legal? As a follow up, I know that to enter the Class C I must be in 2 way radio communication with ATC. Does flight following count? Or does the communication have to be with the Class C's tower?
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