Private Written Expiring
Asked by: BravoBrad950 3559 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot, Student Pilot, Weather
I took my private pilot written 2 years ago (December 2013) and planned to take my check-ride 3 months later. However, some family issues came up and I had to delay my training for more than a year. I now am in the check-ride phase and have completed my oral (Dec 19). Due to weather we could not complete the flight portion and with the holidays around the corner my DE went on vacation. We had a reschedule date for Dec. 28 and due to weather once again we have delayed it until Dec. 29. My question is now that my written will expire in 3 days; is there anything I can do short of having to retake the written again because weather is out of our control? The weather today isn't looking any better and it is supposed to get worse over the next few days. My question essentially is "Because of the constant delays due to weather and the fact that my oral has already been completed and weather is the only thing holding me back, is there a way to continue after the 24th month of the written without having to retake it?"
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