Landing Gear Position Indicator Lights – C182RG
Asked by: Matthew Drooyan 5130 views Aircraft Systems, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, General Aviation
Hey all, I flew a C182RG my club has last weekend - During my preflight I found the gear up amber light burned out. It took a couple calls but I eventually figured out where we kept spare bulbs and made the swap - In between trying to find our spare parts room I poked around the aircraft POH and couldn't find landing gear position lights listed on the W&B equipment list. Furthermore Section 7 simply says that if an indicator light burns out in flight it can be swapped with another one...which of course didn't address my problem being on the ground. Basically my question is two part: Would "landing gear position indicator" as defined under 91.205 include the lights or just the lever? Assuming 91.205 just covers the lever itself, am I missing something in the POH that requires BOTH lights for the 182RG per 91.213(d)? Could I have taken off with one (or both) bulbs burnt out? Thanks and happy new year! Matt
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