IPC and multi-engine add-on
Asked by: Jeff B. 5209 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I'm a commercial pilot ASEL, instrument rated. I haven't flown an approach in about 2 years. I'm in need of an IPC. I'm looking into adding on AMEL with instrument privileges. I understand the training required doesn't have a minimum number of hours, but requires proficiency before an instructor will sign me off for a checkride. Do I have to be instrument current prior to the checkride? When I pass, will I be current, even if I don't fly 6 approaches? Does the checkride replace the need for an IPC and/or 6 in 6, holding and tracking requirements of 61.57(c)? What are some of the most practical and cost-conscious ways to get where I want to be-- multiengine instrument rated and IFR current?
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