High Performance Endorsement and SIC type rating
Asked by: EC-ART 4793 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation
Hi folks, I'm not sure if somebody could've asked this question here before, but if someone did, I'm sorry, but I need clarification. Well, I don't think this is correct but I've been told a lot that if you go right seat with your second in command rating, let's say in a CE650, and you need to fly a CE206, you don't need such endorsement since you already received the proper ground/flight training to act as a SIC of a high performance airplane for such jet. But such training can be given by an ATP that is appropriately rated. HP endorsements can only be given by CFI's that have their own endorsement. The regulation says more than 200hp, making it sound like it's really limited to piston engines, or it does also include turboprops and jet engines with the equivalent amount of lbs of thrust. Does anyone see the conflicting part of what I'm trying to expose? Thanks
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