Missed approach procedure KCVO ILS or LOC 17
Asked by: ssgplazmoid 3066 views Instrument Rating
The missed approach procedure for the CVO ILS or LOC 17 is: "Climb to 900, then climbing left turn to 3000 via the CVO R-081 to SHEDD Int and hold." So we go missed, climb to 900 then turn left xwind and keep turning so we're basically left downwind 17 on a 350 heading until 081 comes in. The problem is we're less than 1 mile from the VOR and intercepting the radial at a 90 degree angle so you get full deflection almost instantly. Option 1) I've started setting 91 or 101 to give me a heads up when we're getting close to 081 and start my turn so I don't cross the radial and head out on 081. However, I wonder if the Corvallis SHEDD TWO departure procedure gives a hint at how the MA could be flown. "TAKEOFF RUNWAY 17: Climbing left turn to 3000 heading 020 degrees and on CVO R-081 to SHEDD INT..." Is it acceptable on the MA to intercept the 081 radial at a reasonable angle by flying a 020 heading since no heading is specified in the MA procedure? thanks, Shawn
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