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5 Answers

Missed approach procedure KCVO ILS or LOC 17

Asked by: 3066 views Instrument Rating

The missed approach procedure for the CVO ILS or LOC 17 is: "Climb to 900, then climbing left turn to 3000 via the CVO R-081 to SHEDD Int and hold." So we go missed, climb to 900 then turn left xwind and keep turning so we're basically left downwind 17 on a 350 heading until 081 comes in. The problem is we're less than 1 mile from the VOR and intercepting the radial at a 90 degree angle so you get full deflection almost instantly. Option 1) I've started setting 91 or 101 to give me a heads up when we're getting close to 081 and start my turn so I don't cross the radial and head out on 081. However, I wonder if the Corvallis SHEDD TWO departure procedure gives a hint at how the MA could be flown. "TAKEOFF RUNWAY 17: Climbing left turn to 3000 heading 020 degrees and on CVO R-081 to SHEDD INT..." Is it acceptable on the MA to intercept the 081 radial at a reasonable angle by flying a 020 heading since no heading is specified in the MA procedure? thanks, Shawn

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5 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    John D Collins on Nov 05, 2015

    Any reasonable intercept of the 081 radial should be fine.

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  2. Russ Roslewski on Nov 05, 2015

    Yes, you can determine your own intercept angle. I’m a little confused as to why in this case you would assume a default turn all the way around to 350 when there is nothing indicating that’s required (even the nominal missed approach track dashed line doesn’t indicate anything like that).

    How do you normally intercept a VOR radial? At a 90 degree angle? I assume not. A 30-degree angle will work fine here. A 45-degree intercept angle would also probably work fine.

    So, in this case, I might fly around 040 to 050. Maybe even less of an intercept angle with a south wind, maybe 060?

    The pilot is left to make his or her own determination in a situation like this.

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  3. Mark Kolber on Nov 05, 2015

    Great catch, Russ. And if you do that, there’s no cone of confusion issue either since you comfortably out of that zone when you intercept the radial.

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  4. ssgplazmoid on Nov 06, 2015

    Thank you for the responses. Russ, we normally flew that approach during training as a practice approach in VMC with other VFR traffic and the MA starts out similar to a normal traffic pattern so it felt wrong to depart the downwind mid field with traffic in front of and behind me so I got used to doing it that way.

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  5. Mark Kolber on Nov 06, 2015

    ssgplazmoid, I’m still not sure I understand. The missed approach procedure is to climb straight ahead to 900′ and then turn left toward the intersection.

    So you climb straight out, turn pretty much a left crosswind and keep going. How does that interfere more with the VFR pattern for 17 than joining the downwind and then turning right?

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