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4 Answers

Where is a missed approach point for circling while flying ILS?

Asked by: 4570 views FAA Regulations

I cannot understand completely about circling while flying ILS . Please help me to solve my problem.

  1. If I don't have the runway in sight at the circle minimum (MDA) on an ILS approach, I must immediately execute a missed approach or can I level off and maintain the circle minimum (MDA) and continue inbound until reach the MAPt by DME or timing block (don't have DME) and missed approach?
  2. If a RVR is published in the chart, normally it is RVR at MAPt right? For ILS (precision approach) it is clear that MAP is at the DA. LOC (Non-precision approach) uses MDA at MAPt by DME or timing but for circling where is a MAPt? Use same Non-precision or use circle minimum (MDA) on glide?
  3. If we fly ILS for circling, is it a precision or non precision approach?

4 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    John D Collins on Oct 22, 2015

    Excellent questions.

    You can’t circle to land when flying a full ILS procedure for the reasons you asked, that is where is the missed approach point.

    Circle to land is only permitted if there is a localizer only option on the approach and you must fly that procedure. The missed approach point for the localizer only option is the same as it is for the circle to land option, but the MDA is based on the circling MDA and not the straight in MDA.

    Circle to land will have its own visibility minimums, but they will never be less than 1 SM as the circle portion is a visual maneuver where the airport needs to be kept in sight at all times except when in a turn.

    See the ILS RWY 26 at KLWS for an example of an ILS that does not have a localizer option and therefore does not have circle to land minimums. No localizer option, no circle to land. Flying the full ILS procedure is not permitted with circle to land.

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  2. NATTAWAT on Oct 27, 2015

    Thank you sir. But i still not understand this sentence from AFM11-217
    Article 13.6
    What does it mean about DH in this paragraph?
    Someone said it is MAP for circling !!! I cannot believe him!!
    Please help me sir. Thank you.
    Link below


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  3. Mark Kolber on Oct 29, 2015

    The statement in the page you linked to is unfortunately confusing and the comment you refer to is incorrect. No, the DH is not the MAP for circling.

    An approach plate that allows for circling will say so and will show a circling MDA. Did you look at the plate John mentioned? No circling minimums = no circling.

    In contrast look at the ILS OR LOC 5R at KRDU. Clearly tells you what the circling MDA is. It is a completely different altitude than the ILS’s DH.

    And, to back up to the big picture a bit, you are flying an ILS. You are 200′ above the runway with the runway right in front of you. Regulations and procedures aside, why would you want to circle somewhere else at that altitude? You’d most likely hit somehting.

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  4. John D Collins on Oct 30, 2015

    I am not familiar with the document you cite AFM11-217 . Do you have a link to the entire document and who the audience is. DH is not the term used in the US civil aviation for circling minimums. DH is the decision height above the runway threshold elevation used on a vertically guided approach. A circle to land does not use a decision height, but has a minimum descent attitude or height, below which you may not descend until you have completed the circling maneuver to a point that normal descent to the runway is commenced. One must fly the localizer procedure and the GS may only be used as advisory guidance until reaching the circling MDA or MDH. Unlike a DA or DH, there is no sink thru permitted on an MDA or MDH and this altitude or higher must be maintained until you are in a normal position to descend to the runway. Circling is a visual maneuver and you must also remain in visual contact with the airport environment while circling.

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