4 Answers
Where is a missed approach point for circling while flying ILS?
Asked by: NATTAWAT 4570 views FAA Regulations
I cannot understand completely about circling while flying ILS . Please help me to solve my problem.
- If I don't have the runway in sight at the circle minimum (MDA) on an ILS approach, I must immediately execute a missed approach or can I level off and maintain the circle minimum (MDA) and continue inbound until reach the MAPt by DME or timing block (don't have DME) and missed approach?
- If a RVR is published in the chart, normally it is RVR at MAPt right? For ILS (precision approach) it is clear that MAP is at the DA. LOC (Non-precision approach) uses MDA at MAPt by DME or timing but for circling where is a MAPt? Use same Non-precision or use circle minimum (MDA) on glide?
- If we fly ILS for circling, is it a precision or non precision approach?
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