CFI checkride tiesday with FSDO and he is bringing an airworthiness inspector
Asked by: NervousUser 3998 views Flight Instructor
notified that I have been assigned the FSDO inspector for my initial CFI checkride and he is bringing an inspector for the AC. He claims that he tried to get the exam out to a DPE but supposedly none could get it done - this is absolutely not true, none were asked. the CFI setting me up said this is the first time ever that the local DPE has not done one of his students for ANY checkride. CFI setting me up also said that the FSDO would not let the local DPE do it and they were not going to do it either themselves. Multiple people are obviously lieing to me about this and just don't know how odd my situation is? most other CFI checks were also in private AC and no AC inspector.
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