1 Answers
Private Pilot logging PIC during IFR w/ IR Pilot
Asked by: James Davidson 3772 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
I've searched everywhere on google and can't find anything on this. Me and my friend came up with this theoretical situation where, let's say we have Pilot A, who is a Private Pilot and Pilot B, who is an Instrument Rated Pilot.
- If Pilot B were to file IFR Cross Country and Pilot A flew it - who would log the Cross Country time? I would assume both would log PIC in this situation due to Pilot A being the "Sole Manipulator of the Controls" and Pilot B would be 'Acting PIC' due to being the rated pilot.
- Pilot B files for IFR Cross Country and Pilot A flies it, this time the weather calls for IMC conditions - could Pilot A still fly the plane under the supervision of Pilot B and both still log PIC?
"A pilot, whether acting as PIC or not, may log PIC time anytime in which he/she is sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft for which he/she is rated (FAR 61.51). This is true regardless of weather conditions, whether VFR or IFR, simulated or actual."Any help is appreciated.
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