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6 Answers

Almost to the end…

Asked by: 6296 views Private Pilot, Student Pilot

So I have almost all of the regulations done to do the checkride. I still need to do my solo xc hours and polish up the maneuvers (they've all been introduced and practiced a couple of times) The wx here in NorthWest Ohio is going to be turning colder with snow. Which makes it harder for me to get my xc hours in of course.  My CFI said we can practice the maneuvers and stuff until there is a nice clear day for me to make my cross country.  Sounds like a good idea unless it is Spring when the weather breaks.  Wouldn't it be more cost efficient to get my cross country done FIRST and then polish the maneuvers and then prepare for the checkride? My CFII & I are good friends so I *can* say the same to him but wanted an outside opinion.  

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6 Answers

  1. Kent Shook on Nov 30, 2010

    If you wait too long while waiting for favorable weather for the cross country, you may allow the maneuvers to get a bit rusty. If the weather allows for you to practice locally but not do the cross country, you should still do it.
    That said, if your own schedule is reasonably flexible, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to fly the cross country within a couple of weeks, even this time of year. If you have to work during daylight hours and can’t take a day off and you’re fighting with a bunch of other people to schedule an airplane on the weekends, it may take longer.

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  2. Kate Knoblauch on Nov 30, 2010

    Fortunately I have a job where they allow “flexible” hours. I always save some Paid time off for the winter season (in case I’m plowed in my driveway.) 

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  3. Jim Foley on Dec 01, 2010

    I agree with Kent, but at the same time, the bulk of the cross country information covered during the checkride is during the oral portion, and not in-flight.  The manuvers are what is most closely examined during the checkride, so it kinda makes sense to do those last, so they are fresher in your mind.  Either way, If you get them both done within a few weeks, it shouldn’t be a problem.  Just a thought.

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  4. Matthew Waugh on Dec 02, 2010

    I would say fly regularly. If you don’t you’ll get rusty and it’ll take longer to get back to checkride standards when the time comes.
    Plus I imagine you’re flying for fun – so fly often – you can’t have too much fun!

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  5. Micah on Dec 03, 2010

    Yes, fly regularly.  The issue for you is not so much what to do, but how to balance cost vs. experience.  You say you almost have all of the experience requirements for practical test–so you don’t much additional experience.  That extra flying will only help you prepare for the checkride and learn as a pilot.  
    But that extra flying is not cheap.  What you (and your instructor) must determine is how to keep you flying in a way that doesn’t drain your brain (“What is a turn around a point? We haven’t done that since June!”) and doesn’t drain your pocket (“I can’t fly again until April”) because both of those are limiting factors to being ready to take the test.  Probably your instructor is much more aware of this than you.  
    Keep studying and keep flying and take the opportunity to finish the required elements when you get the chance.  A flexible schedule and a prepared student can handle this better than having a well-planned schedule (unless you can accurately forecast the weather, unforeseen events…)

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  6. Kate Knoblauch on Dec 03, 2010

    Thanks for the “kick in the ass” that I needed everyone!  I’m going to fly as much as the weather allows.  🙂

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