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JargonBuster Now Active at AskACFI !

Asked by: 3129 views Private Pilot

Hello all, we're pleased to announce that as of today we're rolling out a new feature to AskACFI called "JargonBuster." In order to help student pilots and make sense of sometimes complicated aviation terms and abbreviations, the system will now read through every question asked here and answer provided and provide a list of terms from our rather extensive amalgamated aviation glossary. You can click on the terms to see the definition. We are aware that the system will need some tweaks and adjustments - we're working on these. We're also counting on your good judgment to understand that sometimes the system will match terms that don't necessarily apply in context. Nevetheless, we think that this will be a hugely beneficial resource for all. The same resource, incidentally, is available in most and soon (over time) to be all of our aviation education apps and programs, including our GroundSchool series of FAA test preps and RideReady series of checkride oral exam preps. We're still rolling it out in a few platforms, but it will should be available everywhere before too long. Thank you again for visitng AskACFI!

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The following terms have been auto-detected the question above and any answers or discussion provided. Click on a term to see its definition from the Dauntless Aviation JargonBuster Glossary.

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