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3 Answers

IAP Question

Asked by: 3490 views Instrument Rating

Reference: ILS/LOC 7L KDAB http://aeronav.faa.gov/d-tpp/1507/00110il7l.pdf What exactly is the WAMAL fix? 1) Does it act like an IAF? It looks like there is a feeder route from WAMAL to the TIGAE (IF). 2) Would direct WAMAL be used when wanting to fly the full approach inbound pretty much on the localizer course? 3) The arc from SMYRA IAF says "1900 to WAMAL" while the arc from the north says "1600 to TIGAE". TIGAE is the IF so I understand, but for the south arc, wouldn't I have to fly a heading to join the localizer once I hit the LR and therefore cannot hit WAMAL? Thank you.

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3 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Jul 09, 2015


    It is part of the 18.9 DME arc from the south where the arc joins the localizer. It is not an IAF nor does it act as an IAF, it is a stepdown. There is no feeder from WAMAL to TIGAE. A feeder goes from an airway to an IAF. There are no feeders for this approach as the two IAF (SMYRA and HANAV) are on airways. Well actually HANAV is not on an airway, but IMHO it should be on V267. I will ask my FAA contact about this.

    Regarding flying a heading based on the lead radial, the LR is advisory to help the pilot join the localizer and both the north and south arcs have a LR. The normal on course on the arc is considered to be +/- 1 NM, so depending on pilot technique, they may or may not cross over WAMAL or TIGAE when joining the localizer from their respective arcs.

    ATC is permitted to clear an aircraft Direct to WAMAL or TIGAE when radar coverage is available. This is not a vector to final.

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  2. John D Collins on Jul 09, 2015


    I missed the fact that there is a feeder route from OMN to HANAV.

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  3. Drew on Jul 09, 2015

    I’ve been taught to join the localizer with a 30 deg interception heading upon hitting the LR in a C172. With this technique, I’ve never actually flown over or near WAMAL when arcing from the south, and I’ve always flown past TIGAE when arcing from the north. From what you say, it sounds like it’s not uncommon of an occurrence to not cross over an arc stepdown fix depending on pilot technique. I suppose, in the end, ATC cares ultimately that the pilot is maintaining the minimum published altitudes and gets established on the approach. Appreciate the help, John.

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