i took my COMMERCIAL MULTI ENGINE LAND certification , can i fly with single engine as private??
Asked by: John peterson 5379 views FAA Regulations
i came to USA with JAA Private single engine land lisence, i did the convertion paperwork and FAA issue my FAA PRIVATE lisence as "based on foreing lisence", then i trained and add the IR rating and more after continue for commercial training multi engine land - IR .
my questions are
- Can i act as PRIVATE -IR pilot for a single engine airplane?
- The initial issue of the lisence was "based on foreing lisence" that means i must be also current in my JAA lisence to exercise the privilage of the FAA PRIVATE - IR?
-On my commercial multi engine training i took the complex endorment,can i fly a single engine complex too?
I want to specify that both certifications i have now have different lisence numbers(COMMERCIAL MULTI LAND / IR and PRIVATE SINGLE / IR)
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