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i took my COMMERCIAL MULTI ENGINE LAND certification , can i fly with single engine as private??

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FAA Regulations


i came to USA with JAA  Private  single engine land lisence, i did the convertion paperwork and  FAA  issue my FAA PRIVATE lisence as "based on foreing lisence", then i trained and add the IR rating and more after continue for commercial training multi engine land - IR .

my questions are

- Can i act as PRIVATE -IR  pilot for a single engine airplane? 

- The initial issue of the lisence was "based on foreing lisence" that means i must be        also current in my JAA lisence to exercise the privilage of the FAA PRIVATE  - IR? 

-On my commercial multi engine training i took the complex endorment,can i fly a       single engine complex too?


I want to specify that both certifications  i have now have different lisence numbers(COMMERCIAL MULTI LAND / IR and  PRIVATE SINGLE / IR)




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7 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on May 28, 2015

    Yes, you may fly a single engine airplane using your FAA Private based on a foreign license. You must observe the limitation on the Private certificate, which means it is only valid while your JAA license is valid. You would also be bound by any limitations on your JAA license. If you have a complex endorsement, you may fly a complex single engine airplane.

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  2. Brian on Jun 02, 2015


    Once he added his IR doesn’t that change? His license should no longer be based on his JAA license since he added a new (instrument) rating I would think. It should say on his new certificate if it’s still based off his JAA rating, right?

    PS I’m not familiar with these things at all nor am I sure where to look this stuff up. However, I’m interested to learn if you wouldn’t mind. Thanks!

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Jun 02, 2015

    In all likelihood, he has two certificates.

    First, he would have gotten the Private based on his JAA license.
    Second, he passed the U.S. test for the Instrument rating, which means he had to take the knowledge test, train for the instrument and then pass the practical test.

    At that point, he would still have only the Private certificate based on his JAA license, with the added wording “instrument rating U.S. test passed”.

    Later, he trained for the U.S. Commercial certificate. The FAA won’t add commercial privileges to a Private certificate.

    He would have been issued a second certificate. It should be a Commercial certificate with Airplane Multiengine Land and Instrument Airplane ratings.

    He should also still possess the Private certificate based on his JAA license with Airplane Single Engine rating and Instrument Airplane U.S. test passed on it.

    My opinion is based on the information in his original post. I’ll leave it to him to confirm my thoughts or to correct them.

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  4. John peterson on Jun 03, 2015

    Brian i had the same though that might is a “new” license since you add rating but actualy no, kris describe clearly the situation as it was in my case.

    step 1 ->JAA private converted to FAA private based on foreing.

    step 2-> holding the FAA private license based on foreing and after pass the IR exams , checkride they just re-issue the same license with the statement “IR US test passed” the wording based on foreing still exist and the license number no changed.

    step 3-> going to CPL (AMEL-IR in my case) they issue a new license,has a different license number and the statement based on foreing no longer exist.
    At this point ,if i am wrong please correct me, the commercial is no anymore linked with JAA regulations.

    thank you very much Kris for your information much appriciated.

    clearing my doupt now,i beleive that is more better just add a single engine land add-on with IR privilages in the commericial and avoid the stress of try maintain current the foreing private license single engine.

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  5. Kris Kortokrax on Jun 03, 2015


    All you need to do is to add the Single Engine Land to your unrestricted certificate. There is only one instrument rating, “Instrument Airplane” and you already have that.

    Any training time you received in your home country will count toward that needed per 61.41.

    All you need to do is to find an instructor to do the three hours of prep for the practical test.
    If you want Commercial Single Engine Land, you may need additional training.

    Easier than going back home to renew your JAA license.

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  6. John Peterson on Jun 03, 2015

    The aircraft must be complex for the commercial single engine add on?
    i found same schools offers a C172

    thanks again

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  7. Kris Kortokrax on Jun 05, 2015

    No, you have already demonstrated your ability to fly a complex airplane when you did your Commercial multiengine. You can do the single engine add-on rating in the 172.

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