Renting an Aircraft Type You’ve Never Flown Before
Asked by: Morgan Hunlen 4253 views General Aviation
Hello! I've recently gotten my Commerical pilot's license, and now that I'm finally at a point in my life where I have discretionary income, I wanted to see if I could take my friends flying. However, the two planes I have trained in recently, the Diamond DA-40 and the Piper Arrow, aren't available anyone near me. Would it be outrageous to try and rent a plane I haven't flown or haven't seen in awhile? I have 40 hours in the Cessna 172 but I haven't flown it in four years (I have since gotten 150 hours in the DA-40), but would it still be safe for me to rent it, or any other single-engine plane? i'm also only 20 years old. If you think think that'll be an issue because of liability or insurance stuff, please let me know!
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