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4 Answers

Possible jobs for PPL & ATPL frozen holder

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Flight Instructor, Private Pilot

Hi there,

I'm planning to get PPL & ATPL frozen and stay while till I find some money for CPL/IR and multi. Some guy told me that I will be able to work as a ground instructor with these two licenses. Is there a truth? Will I be able to work as a ground instructor and get paid if I get my PPL & ATPL frozen?
Thanks in advance....


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4 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Kris Kortokrax on Jan 21, 2015

    I’m not sure which country you live in.

    For the U.S., if you want to work as a ground instructor, you would need to study for and pass the Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI) test, and the test for the ground instructor ratings you want. Basic, Advanced or Instrument.

    You do not need any type of pilot certificate to become a ground instructor.
    There is no pilot certificate which authorizes you to conduct ground instruction under Part 61 or Part 141.

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  2. Sajith Silva on Jan 22, 2015

    What is the average salary range for a ground instructor?

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Jan 22, 2015

    The last time I taught a class as a ground instructor was in 1992 at a regional campus for Purdue University. I don’t remember what the pay was (although I did get a nifty staff parking pass).

    If you have your own facility and equipment, you can keep 100% of what you charge people for the class.

    If you need to use some else’s facility and equipment, you’ll need to negotiate with them.

    If you teach for an established flight school, they’ll determine what to pay you.

    In this day and age, I would guess that most people are using a computerized or video ground school to prepare for knowledge exams. Students might be scarce, unless you can align yourself with a college that has an aviation program. The students could probably then get college credit for the course.

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  4. Gary S. on Jan 26, 2015

    Sajith, I assume you’ve read FAR 61.103(d)(1)(2).

    If a person wants to take the knowledge test you must first obtain a log book endorsement from the holder of an authorized ground instructor or CFI.

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