Most efficient way to become an Commercial Airline Pilot
Asked by: William Campbell 5938 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hello everyone, I am honestly trying to find the most efficient way to become an Commercial Airline Pilot! I am 19 (soon turning 20) and originally got accepted into Embry-Riddle (around 2013) but didn't attend because of tuition cost. So as an alternative I decided to go to a local community college and have future plans to transfer to a local 4 year university for a bachelors of meteorology. I am so confused as to how to start my pilot career with 0 hours of flight time. Looking up different flight schools I came across ATP Flight School but I am feeling sketchy since I see so many people saying it gives you proper flight training but nothing is guaranteed except an airline interview. Also, financially I want to be sure before I just jump into loans and different things. Where would be the best place to start? And what do many airlines (regional & major) ask for? Any advice would be great! I know this is surely what I want to do and I also know becoming an airline pilot is not a quick thing. Thanks in advance!!
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