IPC and Flight Review Multiengine and Single Engine Land
Asked by: Oliver Laufer 10504 views Commercial Pilot, Instrument Rating
Hello all!
I am an FAA Commercial Multiengine & Single engine Land with Instrument rating in both classes.
I haven't fly for more than a year, so I decided to get back in shape. I want to get current in both multiengine and single engine aircrafts. Since my BFR is due soon, I want to do the Flight Review and the Instrument Proficiency Check all together.
My question is:
1. Since I want to do the flight review and the IPC together, can I do them in the same flight? For example: FR and IPC in a C172P.
2. Since I want to get current in both multi and single engine, do I need to repeat the flight review and the IPC in both aircraft classes or one class fits all?
Thanks in advance,
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