Maneuvers and Wind Direction
Asked by: Dan Chitty 7542 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Depending on the maneuver, the FAA Airplane Flying Handbook states to either begin a maneuver with a headwind or tailwind. Why does the wind direction matter and what is the FAA logic?
For example, S-Turns Across a Road: Enter with a tailwind (downwind).The reason for entering the maneuver on the downwind is that it allows us to more readily establish the proper maximum bank.
Why can't you enter S-Turns with a headwind? NOTE: After all, you can determine the max. bank later in the maneuver verse at the beginning of the maneuver.
In my opinion, the only maneuver where wind direction should be specific is when performing landings (headwind) and takeoffs (headwind).
Thanks for the feedback.
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