Commercial and Instrument Rating
Asked by: Luis 2770 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
I did my private in the US 4 years ago, by the time I started my commercial I had to leave the US for reasons out of my control. 2 years ago I finished my training for commercial and instrument ratings back in my country. Now I have a standalone FAA PPL SEL and an ICAO CPL IR with DC9/MD80 SIC ratings. I want to know what do I need to do in order to obtain a FAA CPL MEL IR? My flight times are 817 TT 307 SEL 510 MEL 502 SIC 250 PIC 502 JET 175 NIGHT 204 IMC 66 DUAL 730 XC 172 NIGHT XC. I have been at several flight schools, and everyone I have talked with, gave me a different opinion. Some of them said I have to do the entire course again IR, COM and MEL. Others said I just need to train a little bit for proficiency and take my check rides and others had no idea.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
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