CFI useing experimental or minimum insured plane?
Asked by: Kyle Inbody 3152 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Okay, so I'm about to start college next fall pursuing a Flight technology degree. I plan on purchasing a light sport or older airplane to lighten the cost and get to a 1000 hour. I did the math and if I was to fly 35hrs plus on any of the modules I have considered, after an annual, hanger fee, insurance and a little cushion per hour to replaces fluids and have a spare fund, it is cheaper than renting the schools Cessna 150's. I know I need to do flight instruction in their aircraft but to fill the other hours I was going to use this along with flight instruction at the university. SO my question, if my aircraft happens to be experimental or only carries liability insurance, can I give FREE flight instruction from it when I earn my CFI, I want to get my girl friend her private and possible if my plane has the capabilities get my dad his instrument rating, or is that not a possibility? I realize the experimental won't have the instrument option but about giving privates for free in a experimental or minimum insured plane? Would I just need to abided by the 100 hour inspections? or do I need another insurance to give lesson that I make no money on? If I go experimental I will not insure.
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