Commercial Pilot 61.129
Asked by: Sans 3918 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
I have a question regarding the commercial pilot applicant training.
1. The total must be 250 hours. Does these hours include all the previous training/flying before (e.g. student time, private pilot time, and any flight time building).
I guess I will rephrase my question like this. If I am holding a private pilot license with the following aeronautical experience:
1. Total Time 300. This includes all 70 hours during my private pilot training and 55 hours during my instrument training.
2. All my training was on an airplane (c152, 172, and 172RG)
3. 150 hours cross country. These includes the 3 hrs duel and 5 hrs solo cross country towards my private pilot certificate).
In this case, how many flight training (dual) and solo I need to meet the requirements in section CFR 61.129?
4. 150 as PIC
5. 20 hrs on the C172RG (complex)
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