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2 Answers

KFHR NDB Approach

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General Aviation, Instrument Rating

Given the NDB approach for KFHR:


Let's say you are cleared from ISLND direct to FHR for the NDB approach. How do you maneuver safely and legally to the the outbound leg once you reach the IAF?

The turn to the outbound course is 114 degrees. Turning direct outbound is going to put you well to the west into the unsafe area.  What is the correct way (what does ATC expect you to do?)?

2 Answers

  1. Rusty Allen on Nov 07, 2014

    Disclaimers first not a CFII and presently not IFR current. I would upon crossing FHR NDB would preform a turn to start entry into the FHR Hold and when abeam of the NDB turn to intercept outbound coarse for the NDB approach. All Alt min’s are clearly published and you will be mostly to the east of the NDB.

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  2. Best Answer

    John D Collins on Nov 07, 2014

    ATC would expect you to make a turn to intercept the outbound leg. The primary obstacle protection area is greater on the same side as the PT barb. It is also broken into two segments, split at the IAF on a line perpendicular to the final approach course. On the airport side, the protected segment is called the entry area. On the PT side, it is called the maneuvering area. Both segments provide more protected airspace on the side that the PT is depicted. For the entry area, it includes airspace within a 5 NM radius, but the center of the arc is offset by 1 NM towards the PT side. IOW, it extends to 6 NM on the PT side and 4 NM on the non PT side. Conclusion, there is more protected airspace on the PT side.

    Since the pilot could make any type of course reversal as long as it was on the PT side, one could have chosen to fly a holding pattern on the PT side to perform the course reversal. Using this as a model, the entry to such a holding pattern would be a direct entry or a right turn. I would recommend you make a right turn of 291 degrees to intercept the outbound course at 45 degrees after the completion of the turn because it provides more protected airspace.

    You must remain at or above 3000 MSL until established on the 159 degree bearing from FHR. Then you could descend to the PT minimum altitude of 2300 MSL.

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