Is it viable to work as a Flight Instructor nowadays?
Asked by: Johnathan Aldana 5458 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot
I have been pondering the idea of becoming a Certified Flight instructor for some time now. But I have many concerns, for example costs, time, and job availability etc. My main concern however is, Can it be done? And feed the family, pay for bills, have time to do other important things in life. I am not a pilot yet, or have a family, i'm 19 and choosing a career. My options are either choose to become a CFI or (one of my other interests) become a computer programmer. I realize it will cost upwards of 30,000 to become a CFI in the first place, but i've always wanted to learn how to fly! I don't have an interest in flying for major airlines or making hours as a flight instructor, I simply want a job that I will love and get income to pay for lifes many things (bills, food, etc) I don't want to find myself working 60 hours a week (~40 hours is probably my max). So can it be done? I would like a Realistic answer. And if it matters I will probably be moving to Houston TX in the coming months.
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