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2 Answers

From missed approach to alternate

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Hi everybody,



quick question: say you are flying your little 172/U, go missed from KLGB after the ILS RWY 30 and you filed KSNA as alternate. You lost coms obviously...

How are you supposed to go back to SLI VOR (IAF for multiple approaches in KSNA)?

The published missed approach will take you to PADDR intersection which is a fix identified by two non flyable radials... are you supposed to fly the published SID? How about if KLGB didn't have the SID, the ODB is going to take you to PADDR intersection again and from there you can't go amywhere... you can't fly a diverse departure direct SLI since an ODB is published. 



2 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Oct 03, 2014

    There is no relevance of a SID or ODP (ODB?), they are for departure, not for flying from the missed approach hold. You ask “How are you supposed to go back to SLI VOR (IAF for multiple approaches in KSNA)?” SLI VOR is not an IAF for any of the approaches at KSNA, but there is a feeder route from SLI to the ILS or LOC RWY 20R. Also SLI is the reference for the MSA for this approach.

    Since you are lost coms and within the MSA limits (emergency use only) for the ILS or LOC RWY 20R at KSNA, you can proceed direct from PADDR to SLI at or above those limits. The hold at PADDR is at 2600 MSL, the MSA for the segment you are in is 2900 MSL, the feeder from SLI to the IAF is at 4,000 MSL So you would also commence a climb from 2600 to 4000 if you decided to go to KSNA,

    What you might find more challenging with a /U equipped aircraft is the location of the missed approach hold for the ILS or LOC RWY 20R at MINOE, as it is not shown on the approach chart other than with using a DME. This is an error in the chart IMHO.

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  2. lo_fly on Oct 03, 2014

    Ah yes there is a feeder… anyway, so since they expect you to go direct to the fix from where you can proceed to the alternate you filed the only thing to do is fly the published missed, climb in the hold up to the msa and then proceed to that fix. Makes sense, thanks.

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