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3 Answers

What do I need to do to get back in the air after 5 years?

Asked by: 3421 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Private Pilot

I obtained my Private pilots license when I was 18, I flew a few times then other priority's took hold.

it has been 5 years since I last flew, and I am curious as to what I need to do to get myself back in the air?

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3 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Sep 07, 2014

    1. A credit card, cash or checkbook
    2. Get a current medical certificate.
    3. Find a flight instructor and get a flight review.
    This will likely occur concurrent with a checkout at the FBO where you will rent an aircraft.

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  2. Bob Watson on Sep 08, 2014

    This is a situation that, unfortunately, is very familiar, to me. Here are some of the things I do to keep the rust from getting too thick.

    1) Keep your Flying or AOPA subscription up to date. The more you can keep reading about flying and what’s happening, the easier it is to keep up on what’s going on in the regulatory world of flying. That way, when you go back for your flight review, it’ll be more of a refresher than learning new things you’ve not heard of.

    2) Get an aircraft-band radio (VHF Handheld or just a scanner), or just listen to http://www.liveatc.net on your computer. That’s an easy way to keep up with the radio communications during the dry spells. Try to anticipate the calls. Imagine you’re the pilot. Not quite the next best thing to being there, but it helps keep you up on the lingo.

    3) Crack open your training materials and review them. Review the POH of the plane you last flew or plan to fly when you get back in the saddle. Can you describe the fuel system? What’s the emergency procedure for a landing gear failure? Things like that.

    Just because you can’t be at the airport or the cockpit in person, doesn’t mean you can’t imagine you’re there.

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  3. Sam Dawson on Sep 08, 2014

    In addition to what has been mentioned above I recommend signing up for the FAA Wings program at faasafety.gov. There are a number of free on line courses you can take that will help you keep mentally in the aviation “game” as well as some you can pay for.
    In addition you can set up a Wings proficiency program that is composed of both knowledge and flight “credits” to keep you proficient.

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