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Class G Airspace VFR Visibility Less Than IMC?

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Airspace, FAA Regulations

Both Class G VFR visibility requirements below 10,000 ft MSL and 1,200 ft AGL are 1 SM. IMC means having less than 3 SM visibility and/or 1,000 ft ceiling. If conditions in class G airspace below 10,000 ft yield a ceiling greater than 1,000 ft but visibility of 2 SM, would be legal to fly VFR in it, given you meet the cloud clearance requirements?

If "yes," then what's the purpose of the categorized meteorological conditions like VMC and IMC?


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3 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Sep 04, 2014

    I have copied the definitions of the terms you are using as listed in the Pilot Controller Glossary. You have to be careful how you use these terms. As you can see,IMC is based on the minimums specified for VMC. IFR flight involves both visual and instrument conditions. For example, except for those qualified to fly Category III approaches, all approaches that result in a landing require a visual portion of the flight from the DA (MDA) to the runway. Circling to land is a visual maneuver and the conditions at the time may be VMC or IMC. At an airport within class G the conditions would have to be VMC because circling visibility minimums have to be 1 SM or greater, the same as VFR in the class G. But the same conditions at a class E, D, C or B airport, they would be IMC. There are many approaches that have high minimums that are above VMC minimums because of the added constraint that the pilot must see the runway environment at the MAP or DA.

    INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES− Rules governing the procedures for conducting instrument flight. Also a term used by pilots and controllers to indicate type of flight plan.

    INSTRUMENT METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS−Meteorological conditions expressed in
    terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling less than the minima specified for visual meteorological conditions.

    VFR CONDITIONS− Weather conditions equal to or better than the minimum for flight under visual flight rules.

    VISUAL FLIGHT RULES− Rules that govern the procedures for conducting flight under visual conditions. The term “VFR” is also used in the United States to indicate weather conditions that are equal to or greater than minimum VFR requirements.In addition, it is used by pilots and controllers to indicate type of flight plan.

    VISUAL METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS−Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling equal to or better than specified minima.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Sep 04, 2014

    IMC is defined in Part 170 as “weather conditions below the prescribed minimums for flight under Visual Flight Rules”.

    If you are in the Class G airspace you describe, IMC would exist when the visibility is less than 1SM, not 3 SM.

    IMC and VMC describe weather conditions. One could file a flight plan under IFR and fly a trip in VMC.

    However, one should not be flying under VFR in IMC.

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  3. Drew on Sep 04, 2014

    Ah that makes sense… although flying with less than 1 SM visibility seems like a bad idea to start with.

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