TPA (Traffic Pattern Altitude) in Class C and A/FD
Asked by: Art 12197 views Airspace, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I was searching for the TPA in the A/FD for the main airport within Class C, and I could not find it. So I was puzzled for awhile not knowing where to go in search of the answer to my question (I have not found it yet), but I guess I have to go back to the Class C Airspace concept, meaning that as the result of "two-way comm" you will "vector" (providing the necessary separation for landing. Am I right ??, there are not need for a "traffic-pattern"..(straight in perhaps)..I am very confused.. What if the vector is "Nxxx make left-right pattern to..Rway X" Would I assume 1000 ft AGL ??
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