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Asked by: 3908 views Private Pilot

Hey people.Am Japheth and am a Kenyan citizen.Currently a PPL holder with 52 hours .Flying has always been my dream and generally aviation has been everything to me since then.As we all are aware,the cost of flying has been increasing day by day especially here in Kenya and this has made it hard for me to commence with my flight training and am getting worried that i might not be able to realise my dream career.I have tried to negotiate with schools around the country but none  are in a a position to help since I will be a liability hence cant  help me in building my hours despite my good flying record history.I really dont want to sound desperate but if i could get any help I would really be greatful.

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3 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Jun 24, 2014

    I also have a good flying record and I would like to get a type rating in a G-IV. The cost of flying is also increasing in the U.S. Can you and some of your friends to send me money to realize my dream?

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  2. Wes Beard on Jun 24, 2014

    Anything worth pursuing will be difficult. Find any odd job you can to scrounge up as much money as possible. With a lot of hard work you can realize your dream. I believe in you.

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  3. Bob Watson on Jun 27, 2014

    You’ve taken the first step by earning your PPL, but it sounds like you might need to reset your expectations and schedule. To be an airline pilot, you’ll need about 30 times more flight time than you currently have (more or less, depending on a lot of factors) so, it might be a while before you’re applying for airline jobs.

    The trick is to start getting paid for flying as soon as you can, and there are lots of other paying jobs in aviation besides “Airline captain.” Start looking for those. As a private pilot, you could work on the ramp or customer service counter at an airport. In that position, you can start meeting other pilots and airplane owners to build your network. You can’t get paid to fly, but at least you can share flying expenses with others. After you get your commercial ticket, you can apply for some paying jobs to build time and earn money. After you get your CFI, you’ll have more opportunities to earn money while flying.

    It might feel like it’s starting off slowly (because it is), but with perseverance, things will pick up.

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