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4 Answers

Flight review

Asked by: 5394 views ,
FAA Regulations, Helicopter

Can a Biannual flight review be given in a restricted category aircraft.  I would like to give a BFR in a UH-1 military surplus helicopter that has been modified for fire fighting and is being used as a public use aircraft for the local fire district.  I have not found any FAR that restricts the type of aircraft except that the pilot be qualified in that aircraft. 


Thanks. Bryan 

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4 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Jun 22, 2014

    Try 91.313. It states that a restricted category aircraft cannot be used for a purpose other than that for which it was certified. The UH-1 would not have been certified for flight training (other than for a special purpose, such as fire fighting) in the restricted category. Look in the operating limitations which are a part of the airworthiness certificate.

    The flight training required for a flight review would not be training for a special purpose.

    Usually this type of question arises when an opportunity presents itself for an instructor to get some time in a helicopter that he has not had a chance to fly before. While 61.195(f) only requires 5 hours in make and model to provide instruction toward a certificate or rating, I would use that number as a guide for providing a flight review. You don’t want to be simulating emergencies in a helicopter that you have never flown before.

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  2. bryan combs on Jun 22, 2014

    Thanks for the quick response. I should have mentioned that I am a member for the Fire Dep Air Operations and have been flying UH-1’s for many years. And I also give flight instruction within the department on all the flight maneuvers and emergency procedures. I have current CFI and CFII in helicopters. But what i have not been doing is actually signing off a pilots BFR using our helicopters.

    The State Fire Agency requires our pilots to have a current BFR. Now that some of our pilots only fly our fire helicopters, I would like to sign off the BFR’s using the department helicopters. According to 91.313 2(b) flight training is considered to be an operation for that special purpose.

    Since all flight training that I give is more intensive and complete than a standard BFR I would think that I would be able to complete a BFR sign off in conjunction with the regular training that we conduct.

    FAR 61.56 does not state what type of aircraft must be used for the BFR other than the pilot must be current and qualified in the aircraft.

    I hope this will clarify and I hope to get your further opinion on this.



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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Jun 22, 2014

    I think you are misreading 91.313(b).

    “operating a restricted category civil aircraft to provide flight crewmember training in a special purpose operation for which the aircraft is certificated is considered to be an operation for that special purpose.

    When they use the term “special purpose operation” they mean, in your case, fire fighting. Training a pilot who has not flown a helicopter for firefighting purposes would be allowed. It is assumed that the pilot can already fly and needs no training in the PTS maneuvers. Flying the bucket would be an example of the training they are talking about. Pilot training is not a special purpose for which a restricted category aircraft is certified.

    I understand the desire to perform the flight reviews. I have in the past conducted flight reviews for police units. For the units flying OH-58s, we needed to use a certified helicopter for the reviews because public use aircraft may not be used for pilot training. There is a legal interpretation to this effect.

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  4. bryan combs on Jun 22, 2014

    To play devils advocate under your understanding I could not perform any training in slope landing, steep approach, quick stop, pinnacle, confined area, or any other base task. If the only training that is allowed is for the fire equipment installed on the aircraft then no other training, even emergency procedure training, would not be allowed. And that doesn’t make much sense since most agencies have Bell Helicopter Instructors come out and conduct Emergency Procedure / Touchdown autos with our aircraft. If what you say is correct then we couldn’t even have Bell come out and conduct pilot training.

    As I understand it the requirement for a certified aircraft is only required for ratings and certification. Since a BFR can be completed without an aircraft at all using the wings program that would make sense.

    Would you happen to have the reference for the legal interpretation you were mentioning.

    Thanks for the help.


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