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What do I do if my examiner did not sign or make a logbook entry after passing my checkride?

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Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation

My examiner for my multi-commercial checkride forgot to make a logbook entry or even sign my logbook for the flight.  I have an airline interview soon and they've asked me to tab all my checkride entries.  Will this make a difference?  Is this a problem either way?

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3 Answers

  1. Gary Moore on Aug 07, 2010

    Well, you probably have your certificate that shows your commercial license with the multi-engine rating – I can’t imagine anyone questioning the legititamcy of that. You can make a logbook entry yourself showing the date and time you took the checkride if you want (of couse don’t sign the examiner’s name – just log it). But if you are stressing over this – you could just go back to that examiner and ask for that entry – if he’s not close geographically – simply ask him/her to mail/fax/email you somethingn and tape it into the logbook.

    Having said this – I’ve never had an airline interview 🙂

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  2. Matthew Waugh on Aug 07, 2010

    There is no requirement that the examiner complete a logbook entry or sign it, so there is nothing “wrong” with your logbooks.

    However you seem to be saying that you have no entry at all for your checkride. That’s not going to look so good in an airline interview. Airlines like people who can keep detailed records, they’re not too keen on situations where only half the trip can is filled. Especially as this is your multi-commercial ride, so it’s going to be a little hard to argue you didn’t know how logging works.

    You need to come up with a good explanation that shows you know that you made an error, how you have learned from it, and how you will ensure it never happens again. Then write that out and put it in your logbook (temporarily) along with the entry for the checkride. On most interviews you leave you logbooks, certificates etc. on a table and they are magically reviewed by paperwork dwarves. When you get your face to face interview, without making a big deal about it, make sure they hear your explanation.

    You could argue that under 61.51 there is no requirement for you to log your checkride, I wouldn’t recommend going all “sea lawyer” on them, but to each their own.

    Good luck on your interview.

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  3. Richard Hages on Aug 12, 2010

    This actually happened to me after my private checkride. I went to a 141 school after that where they wanted to see an entry in my logbook for that ride. What I ended up doing was calling the examiner and having him mail me a sticker to place in my logbook with all the information on the flight. I placed it a few pages later in my log and all was accounted for. Hope that helps.

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