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Reconstructing a Logbook

Asked by: 7018 views Private Pilot

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I had the very frustrating experience of losing my logbook recently. Luckily almost all of my hours were logged before I went for my private pilot check ride which I passed about 1.5 years ago, which means the 8710 form has most of the documented flight time. I have a copy of the 8710 form I filled out the day of my check ride, and a photo-copy of the page where the check ride endorsement was signed in the lost logbook. According to the "Flight Standards Information Management System",

5-172      LOST LOGBOOKS OR FLIGHT RECORDS. Inspectors should advise airmen that they may reconstruct lost logbooks or flight records by providing a signed statement of previous flight time.

A.     Proof of Experience. Airmen may use the following items to substantiate flight time and experience:

·        Aircraft logbooks,

·        Receipts for aircraft rentals,

·        Operator records,

·        Copies of airman medical files, and

·        Copies of FAA Form 8710‑1, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application.

So the 8710 Form should suffice for proof of experience. My question is, Exactly what should my statement say, and where in my new logbook should I put it. I'm assuming it should be along the lines of

"I ___ , certify that I can provide the proper documentation and properly account for, the aeronautical experience given in this logbook as (x amount of hours) and state that no attempts of falsification have been made pertaining to the said amount of aeronautical experience."

Lastly, I am currently working on my IR. When I go for my check ride with my IR examiner, will this be a big problem?  Thanks all for reading.


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4 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Kris Kortokrax on May 20, 2014

    I would keep the 8710-1 form or a copy of it with your logbook.
    I would use the numbers on the 8710 to fill in the “Time brought forward” on the first page of your new logbook.

    I would merely state that I certify that I have reconstructed the time brought forward from the 8710. I would probably put that statement at the top of the first logbook page.

    Shouldn’t cause a problem with the DPE, as you can substantiate your time with the 8710-1. To save a problem on checkride day, discuss it with the DPE ahead of time.

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  2. zdanz25 on May 20, 2014

    Thanks a lot Kris
    One last thing. Is not having my original logbook going to be a hindrance to getting a job as a CFI in the future?

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on May 20, 2014

    I can’t imagine that it would.

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  4. John D Collins on May 21, 2014

    If you rented aircraft or have other time indicated in other documents such as aircraft logbooks, you can use them to reconstruct your missing time after the 8710. Instructors or the DPE may have logged time when they were with you.

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