Straight-in/circling approach NA
Asked by: gimbojoe 5538 views General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
There are 3 approaches available at KMCD : GPS 08, GPS 26, and VOR/DME-A. Both GPS approaches have notes on them that say "straight-in/circling NA at night," which while unclear seems to suggest that the approaches are wholly unavailable at night. However, the VOR-A approach, which is de facto a circling approach, says only NA at night if VGSI is inop. How can this be? Assuming the VGSI is operative, what would make a circling approach from a VOR/DME-A approach any safer at night than a straight-in or circling from a GPS approach? All 3 have identical circling minimums, and no restrictions on where one can circle relative to the airport. Am I misreading the notes on the GPS approaches?
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