How do you become familar with unfamilar airspace?
Asked by: Student Pilot 4999 views Airspace, Student Pilot
My question concerns flying into an airport I've never visited. When I'm flying around my local airport/area, my CFI is always mentioning things like "we need to stay west of this road" or "we can't go north of that highway".
What I'm wondering is: how do I get this information for airports I might fly into without a CFI knowledgeable about the area? I've noticed that the A/FD has some of this information, but definitely not to the extent I've gotten from my instructor. The sectionals are pretty light on road information outside of highways or interstates. I've noticed common reporting landmarks annotated on TACs, but know that I've been asked to report over a particular road intersection not listed on the chart and which I'd have no idea of if I were not from that area.
This may seem silly, but is there such a thing as requesting progressive approach instructions like you would with taxiing at an unfamiliar airfield? I've never heard of such a thing but am wondering how you handle these issues in unfamiliar airspace.
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