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CFII Helicopter-How do I add CFII ASEL?

Asked by: 6659 views Flight Instructor, Helicopter

I recently completed the military competency route to get my Helicopter CFII.  I also have ATP Helicopter and Commercial ASEL.  I haven't flown in three years due to a military staff tour, but getting ready to retire and get into the civilian helicopter industry.  Since I don't have Robinson time, I'm not sure I want to get the hours needed to instruct in an R-22, so thinking that adding ASEL would be easier and provide more instructing opportunities as part time work.  I've read through the FARs, but I'm still unclear on what I would need to add ASEL to my CFII. 

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5 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on May 14, 2014

    The requirements are in 61.191, which pretty much says you need to comply with 61.183, but do not need to retake the FOI knowledge test.

    What that means is you need the instruction required by 61.185 and 61.187. You need to take an add-on knowledge test and the practical test.

    You would need to do this for the ASE (no Land or Sea on the CFI) and for the Instrument-Airplane (if you want to teach instruments).

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  2. Sam Dawson on Jun 02, 2014

    Just to add to what Kris wrote.
    1. Do you hold anything airplane or are you straight RW?
    2. I assume you meant you have a CFI-H and CFII-H. If you only have a CFII-H it is worthless as you can not instruct at all on the civilian side with such a certificate. If you went to the IP course get the CFI-H as well. If you only went to the IE course you are out of luck.
    3. To understand what is required in the practical test (check ride), you need to go the PTS (Practical Test Standards), and find the add-on table. It will tell you specifically the areas of operation that you must complete during the practical.
    I’ve helped pilots do what you are looking at and had a contract for a while to do this for the Army. Feel free to PM me with questions.

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  3. Cobra Pilot on Jun 02, 2014

    I have a single engine airplane commercial and instrument rating. I only have a CFI and CFII for helicopters though but all my instructing time was in the Cobra and Bell-206, no Robinson time.

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  4. Sam Dawson on Jun 02, 2014

    Okay, then you do have a CFI. When you type “CFII” that means instrument instructor and does not necessarily mean you hold a CFI as well. Especially with the Army have some pilots who only went to the IE course I can see where someone might only have their CFII-H.
    Also, when you say commercial/instrument rating, do you mean commercial/instrument airplane as well as RW?

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  5. Slappy on Jan 14, 2017

    Any resolution to your question? What did you end up having to do?

    I’m about to try and do essentially the same thing (add on a CFII-Airplane to Mil Comp CFII-Helicopter, with a Commercial ASEL/ASES/Glider & ATP MEL/Helo). I’ve taken the FAI and FII written tests, and have all of the flight time requirements for airplanes. I’ve been chatting with my CFI and the DPE… and we’re trying to figure out what exactly the practical test will need to cover.

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