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Helicopter IFR experience

Asked by: 3615 views Helicopter

I am looking for additional information regarding the 5 hours of instrument experience listed in FAR section 61.129(c)(3)(i) for the commercial helicopter rating.  The first sentence states, "Five hours on the control and maneuvering of a helicopter...." while the last sentence states, "This aeronautical experience may be performed in an aircraft...."

I have been told that this can be done in a fixed wing even though I am going for my helicopter certification.  Is this true and if so, would I need to do this with a fixed wing CFI?

I would prefer to do this in a helicopter but IFR equipped helicopters are hard to come by.  All of the simulators near me are fixed wing as well.

Thanks for the input.

1 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on May 12, 2014

    It appears that one can do the training in an airplane. Also, since it states “control & maneuvering … by reference to instruments” the training could be done by a Flight Instructor who holds no Instrument rating on his Flight Instructor certificate.

    None of this makes any sense. The regs require 5 hours of this training to be done in a single or multiengine airplane, as appropriate. One could not do the training in a helicopter. The aircraft are different. Helicopter training should be done in a helicopter.

    Second, the training should be done by an Instrument instructor. The law of Primacy would suggest that if an instructor who is not trained as an instrument instructor teaches the pilot wrong techniques, it will require extra training by an Instrument Instructor to undue the damage.

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