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Asked by: 3956 views Aerodynamics

what would happen if you stall the airplane "fully" or buffet and just maintain coordinated flight with rudder for 10 mins not letting go of the controls....?

ur coordinated, so u can't spin .....

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4 Answers

  1. Steve Butler on Apr 30, 2014

    I have held a Cessna in a coordinated stall for several seconds before recovering. If you look at the VSI, you are dropping like a rock at near the speed you would be dropping in a spin. I would assume that the drop in a coordinated stall is slightly slower due to increased drag.

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  2. Brian on Apr 30, 2014

    We used to teach stalls like this after the private checkride to each student before they continued with instrument/commercial stuff. This was all done in a C152 (though it would be the same in most light single airplanes) and went as follows:

    -Power idle
    -Maintain altitude until full elevator deflection, then maintain full nose up pressure (this may alternately be accomplished with addition of full nose up trim application)
    -Keep the ball centered and wings level
    -Observe the state of the a/c

    Usually what’s happening at this point is that the airplane is maintaining a high pitch angle, yet is descending at about 700-900 fpm; it will start develop small oscillations in the pitch that increase as you continue, starting at 1-2° up to about 8° oscillation. Small turns could be made very slowly but we usually did these while flying straight towards a ground reference. We taught these with the intent to demonstrate to the students that the airplane will appear relatively normal in the event that a stall occurs slowly – it will not always be the sinking feeling that is felt when practicing them during normal maneuvering lessons. The oscillations will appear out or the norm (or may not occur at all), but unless the pilots attention is brought inside to reference his/her instruments and they see the airspeed and VSI they may not realize what is happening until it is too late. Recovery must be made by the pilot and cannot be assumed to happen by itself.

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  3. Mark Kolber on May 01, 2014

    There is even a name for it – “falling leaf” stall.

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  4. Shneur on May 01, 2014

    Thank you Steve butler, Brian, and mark kolber for the appreciated info!

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