V1 Speeds for 172’s and other small GA Aircraft and RTO’s
Asked by: Stephen Bellacera 17967 views General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Greetings Pilots!
I was just reading a NTSB report (PB2010-910402) on a Learjet that experienced multiple tire failures on TO which resulted in the fatal crash. The PIC decided to attempt a rejected takeoff (RTO) after passing V1, instead of continuing the takeoff and treating it as a In-flight Emergency.
Anyways... this sad story got me thinking; As far as I can tell there is no mention of V1 when it came to PPL training. Why is this? And in a C 172 at what speed would you continue the TO if you lost a tire?
My PPL training I felt was very through, but one thing that we really didn't get into in any kind of depth were RTO's. Does anyone go into this, or even try a RTO with a student? Thanks for your perspective!
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