When on an IFR flight plan, do you have to request the higher altitude when there is a change in MEA, MOCA, OROCA?
Asked by: tommytom 9009 views Instrument Rating
When heading east on a heading of 090 and the MEA / OROCA for the airway/sector is 5000ft. Your next leg will be a heading of 350, and the MEA / OROCA / MCA is 8000 ft. As the FAR's state, after you cross the intersection / fix, you should then begin your climb to the next MEA / OROCA. The question is do you just climb to the next Altitude without calling ATC or do you have to "request" that altitude from ATC.
Another quick question. If you were on an easterly heading for your initial departure leg, and your next leg will be on a northwestern heading, would you file an altitude appropriate for 0-179 or 180-359? I have always just filed the initial legs appropriate altitude for the track. Also, similar to the first question, would you call ATC when you need to change your altitude due to your heading or do you just do it?
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