General Questions
Asked by: aeropilot 9332 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
Hi, I have a couple of questions that I cant find a exact answer with proof (FAR/AIM). 1. What is the boundary of a DME arc (left and right)? 2. Previous aircraft went missed, can you shoot an approach? Why? 3. The required visibility to shoot an approach is 1/2 the previous aircraft (shooting the approach) reported 1/4 vis can you still shoot/continue the approach? 4. What is an example of viscous hydroplaning? 5. What is the terrain clearance on a circle to land? 6. What is the terrain clearance at the end of the runway? (my understanding is 35ft feet at the fence is required performance) 7. What is the limit to start a turn after departure? (400ft?) 8. What is adequate visual range for TO? Thanks in advance
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