Help with buying an Airplane
Asked by: Chris West 26246 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
So from what ive heard and been told, that it would be cheaper for me to buy my own airplane to train in to become a full on CFII/MEII instructor. Not sure if this is true, i dont know all the costs that go into becoming an Aircraft owner so i cant do the math myself.
Ive decided to either go after the classic and awesome trainer Cessna 172, or my favorite bush plane - The Cessna 180.
I am based out of U42, south of salt lake city Utah. I really need some help weighing the cost and options here. Keep in mind that i am 17 years old, living with my parents, and dont have any bills/loans right now. I also would like to rent out the Airplane to other Pilots. What would you all think about a Wet rate, and a dry rate at the same time? Or even possibly lease it out to the local FBO here for students to use. Ive also heard that FBOs pay for your maintenance if they use it, is this true?
Thanks for the help guys! You have all really helped me out in the past! Thanks again!
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