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Reference to comply with AFM Emergency Procedures?

Asked by: 3817 views ,
FAA Regulations

FAR 91.9 states that I have to have an AFM (or equivelent) in most cases and to adhere to limitations listed.  Where does it require me to adhere to the AFM emergency procedures?  Is it different for part 121/135 operators? 

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5 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Mar 06, 2014

    Why would you not want to adhere to the emergency procedures which were developed by the entity that designed, built and flight tested an aircraft? Why would there need to be a regulation to compel you to follow the procedures?

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  2. fjakeglotz on Mar 06, 2014

    Perhaps I didn’t ask the question clearly. I do want to follow the procedures. FAR 91.9(a)

    “Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, no person may operate a civil aircraft without complying with the operating limitations specified in the approved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual, markings, and placards, or as otherwise prescribed by the certificating authority of the country of registry.”

    Does that term operating limitations include the emergency procedures too? Is there a reference?

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  3. John D Collins on Mar 06, 2014

    The limitations section is normally section 2 in the AFM, POH or AFMS. This is the section that the regulations apply to. Everything else is a recommendation, albeit as Kris points out, you would be well advised to take them into consideration.

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  4. Sam Dawson on Mar 07, 2014

    I would put a caveat on blindly following the AFM/POH/PIM emergency procedures in piston GA airplanes. Many manufacturers do NOT update these procedures, probably for liability issues. The result is that the procedures may not reflect current thinking, warnings from the FAA/NTSB, or may just be missing.

    As an example, many airplanes without updated manuals have procedures for electrical failures and popped circuit breakers that can lead to a fire and get you seriously killed.
    Missing procedures? Look at almost any turbocharged airplane for the turbocharger failure EP. Probably won’t be there. Not having one can again lead to a fire.

    Real life story. I had a total electrical failure in an older C-310. Pulled out the PIM and…. nothing. So I did what I thought was right (this was before the 310 crash in Florida), and reset the generators. Bad move. The total electrical failure was caused by a bad GCU. Me resetting it caused it to melt and almost started a fire.

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  5. Mark Kolber on Mar 07, 2014

    Per Sam’s story – this is enough of an issue that the FAA issued a Special Airworthiness Bulletin in 2009 advising against resetting breakers in flight except for absolutely essential equipment and, even then, only once.


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