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4 Answers

Approach Lighting

Asked by: 24057 views , , ,
Instrument Rating

On the same chart as the question I just asked


In the plan view there is a circle with "A5" in the middle and a dot on top? It is also in the airport diagram and there is a black circle with a white "A4" there as well? I was hoping to find the answer in my Instrument Rating Learning Guide but couldn't. Thanks in advance.

4 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Jan 05, 2014

    The symbols reference the approach lighting installed for each runway. They can be found in the legend pages of the book of instrument procedures. They can also be downloaded from the NACO website

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  2. John D Collins on Jan 05, 2014

    The circle with the A5 indicates that the MALSR approach light system is installed. The reverse video (white on a black background) means that the approach lights are pilot controlled. The dot above the circle indicates that there is a sequenced flasher installed (this is sometimes called the rabbit). This is the approach chart legend material and can be downloaded at http://aeronav.faa.gov/d-tpp/1313/frntmatter.pdf

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  3. Cody Barringer on Jan 05, 2014

    Thanks for the link! I was unable to find it using google. On page 14 it shows what each option (A, A1, A2, etc.) means. I guess it’s redundant in the plan view but nice to have in the airport diagram, if you’re able to remember what each is!

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  4. Cody Barringer on Jan 05, 2014

    This powerpoint is also very nice in pointing out the differences between types of lighting.

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