How to log time building when you share the plane with another student.
Asked by: JohnBurns 6872 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
I'm starting my commercial cert soon, and I want to start time building, but am not totally clear on the rules. To split the costs, I know students who fly together, with one flying from A-B, then another flying back from B-A. If the whole flight from A-B and B-A takes 2 hours, the kids are both logging the full 2 hours. I know according to the FARs, the person flying the airplane has to be under the hood for them both to log PIC, but these guys aren't flying under a hood, and are both still logging all the PIC. They claim this is what the school advised them to do, and it's legal when you're both going for a new certification.... is there anywhere in the FARs, any ACs, or any precedent at all that would make this legal? I hate flying under the hood (I like the scenery..), but don't want to run into problems in the future.
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